By Stuart Johnson, Missions Committee Chair
BBC Yorktown is partnering with the IMB in Tanzania by sending mission teams to Kigoma, Tanzania. Our mission teams support and encourage full time IMB missionaries engaged in evangelism and discipleship to local churches, home groups, and pastors.
During our first trip to Kigoma in August of 2023, the BBC team participated and led multiple activities including: 3 door-to-door evangelism outings, 2 pastor home visits, 1 small home group bible study, a church discipleship training and a kid’s camp.
We attended the Kibirizi Baptist Church worship service on Sunday and were greatly impressed with the love, hospitality, and fellowship we received from our newly found brothers and sisters in Christ. Not to mention the immense energy and joy of the worship there. The Kibirizi church elders showed us the new church building they are constructing as they are able. They currently have put up the walls of this building, which will be 4 times as large as their existing church. The team was very impressed with the commitment shown by the church members to raising funds and devoting time to the construction of the new church, and Bethel Baptist has now pledged funding support to help them complete this project.
Our time spent with the full-time missionaries there was very uplifting for us with great conversations on African culture and evangelism. It was very convicting to be able to witness the commitment these people have made to God’s kingdom and to be a part of their mission for a short time. It will be awesome to return to Tanzania and continue our friendships and our own spiritual growth in Jesus Christ. To God be the glory!!