Semester Recitals
There will be a recital each semester for students enrolled in the Worship Arts Academy. This serves the student well, as it helps them gain confidence in playing their piece(s) in front of people. We encourage each student to participate in the recital as music is a performance art.
Senior/Solo/Songwriting Recital
Vision: To grant the student a more focused and in-depth program of training and performance in their instrument/voice.
Description: In this program, students will study music theory and ear training. They will also learn 5-7 pieces of diverse literature. Scales are asked to be accomplished as well. Each student is expected to memorize their recital pieces.
Timing: Senior- This recital and completion is targeted to come at a high school student’s senior year (usually in the Spring Semester). Adult- This can happen at any point when the student completes the requirements.
Scales: Scales are a fundamental aspect of playing any instrument as they help to instill the keys of music, consistent fingering and technique. Music of all genres have scales incorporated either in their entirety or in part. You will not find a serious musician who has not mastered their scales. Each Senior/Solo recital student is asked to learn all Major Key scales. (Piano- 2 octaves parallel and contrary; Voice & Orchestral instruments- 1 Octave) They are the following: Flat Keys: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb and Sharp Keys: C, G, D, A, E, B, F#.
Music Theory: Understanding music theory is essential to a well-informed and equipped student of music. Each Senior/Solo recital student is asked to complete the following:
Essentials of Music Theory Complete (Alfred)
Book 1: (Lessons 1-25): Staff, Notes and Pitches; Treble & Bass Clefs; Grand Staff & Ledger Lines; Note Values; Measure, Bar Line and Double Bar; 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 Time Signatures; Whole, Half & Quarter Notes/Rests; Dotted Half & Quarter Notes; Ties & Slurs; Repeat Sign, 1st & 2nd Endings; Eighth Notes & Rests; Dynamic Signs, Tempo Marks & Articulation; D.C., D.S., Coda & Fine; Flats, Sharps & Naturals; Whole & Half Step, Enharmonic Notes.
Book 2: (Lessons 25-50): Tetrachords & Major Scales; Key Signatures; Chromatic Scale; Intervals, Circle of Fifths; Perfect, Major & Minor Intervals; Augmented & Diminished Intervals; Solfège & Transposition; Sixteenth Notes & Rests; Dotted Eighth Notes & Eighth Note Triplets; Common Time & Cut Time; 3/8 & 6/8 Time Signatures; Pick-up Notes & Syncopation; Primary & Major Triads; Scale Degree Names; Dominant 7th Chord.
Book 3: (Lessons 51-75): 1st & 2nd Inversions of Triads; Inversions of V7 Chords; Figured Bass; Major Chord Progressions; Minor Scales, Minor Triads; Augmented & Diminished Triads; Primary Triads in Minor Keys; Minor Chord Progressions; Modes; Harmonizing a Melody in Major and Minor Keys; Broken Chords & Arpeggiated Accompaniments; Passing and Neighboring Tones; Composing a Melody in Major and Minor Keys; 12-Bar Blues Chord Progression & Blues Scale; Basic Forms of Music.
Diverse Literature: A diversity of learned literature helps to grow and shape the student. The student will be asked to include a song from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, and a sacred piece. The remaining selections can be of the student and instructor’s choosing based on interest from the student and guidance from the instructor. Vocal students should have a minimum of one foreign language. Two pieces are desired.
Program Notes: Program notes entail an order of the recital program, along with biographical information of the composer and a brief analysis of each piece.
Signatures: To faithfully administer the program, signatures are required: student, parent, instructor, & director.