More about the Children’s Worship Offering
We are excited to continue building a strong foundation of faith with your children in our worship services. One important aspect of this is teaching the principle of tithing. Here’s how you can support your child in understanding and practicing this vital act of worship:
• Teaching Generosity Early: Tithing is a way for children to learn the importance of giving back to God, cultivating a heart of generosity from a young age.
• Simple & Understandable: We will explain tithing in a way that is easy for children to understand, using age-appropriate language and examples.
• Active Participation: Encouraging your child to tithe, even if it’s a small amount, helps them feel involved and invested in the act of worship.
• Consistency Matters: Regular practice of tithing teaches responsibility and reinforces that all we have comes from God.
• Supporting the Community: We also use tithes to support charitable causes, helping children understand how their giving can impact others in need.
• Partnering With You: As parents, you play a key role. Encourage your children at home by talking about the importance of giving, whether through allowance or other means. We would encourage that you provide your child with an envelope or baggy to place their offering in.