Hello Bethel Baptist Military Friends,
My name is David Bates and I am in the last stages of writing a Doctor of Ministry project. As part of that project, I’m asking for your help in collecting some information about the active duty military participants in our church. My goal is to help Bethel Baptist become an even more military friendly place to worship and serve than it currently is and to enhance our ministry to single service members. Scroll down to find the online survey that each adult in your household should complete and submit to the church office. The survey will take 10 minutes to complete but will be a tremendous help to me in completing my project.
Please complete the survey no later than 5 July. You may contact the church office or me directly if you have any questions. Thanks for your prayers and support, which will help me graduate in December, Lord willing.
David Bates
Active Duty Military Survey
Concerning the Church’s Ministry to Military Families and Single Service Members
The research in which you are about to participate is designed to assist in developing a strategy plan to help Bethel Baptist Church create an intentional ministry of evangelism and outreach to the military families and single service members in the area. This research is being conducted by David Bates for the purpose of completing a Doctor of Ministry project at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. In this research, you will be asked to answer eleven survey questions about your participation at Bethel Baptist Church as an active duty military personnel or family member. Any information you provide will be held strictly confidential, and at no time will your name be reported, or your name identified with your responses. Participation in this study is totally voluntary and you are free to withdraw from the study at any time.
By your completion of this survey, you are giving informed consent for the use of your responses in this research.